Happy New Year!

With the New Year comes the time of good resolutions. As I have neglected my site and blog a lot in 2014, mine is easily found and started right away! Because in spite of my silence, I have not stayed inactive, on the contrary. I will show you soon the best of the past year, …

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Looking for a nice view

On my way to visit someone in Puteaux (Paris suburb), I discovered the Eiffel tower was visible from the train station. I then went back there on the 14th July to try shooting the Bastille Day fireworks. Et voilà!

How to go on holidays as a photographer

The problem as a photographer is that you can’t stop shooting, there’s always something that catches your eye. So, how can you travel without attempting to immortalise your destination, whilst still enjoying your holidays? It’s tricky gauging between returning home happy with the photos you’ve taken and not annoying your travel buddy! Up until this …

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What if I raised the game?

When you’ve photographed for years, gotten better technically, started to know what kind of photos you enjoy taking and done some exhibitions/publications, you can feel like going further. Looking at my old-ugly-not-updated-for-ages-made-with-what-is-at-hand-website, I decided to rework it all! One of the advantages of photography is that you meet people with different knowledge and skill sets …

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